Peter Thomas New TCC
Chairman |
May 1, 2012 | |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
Peter Thomas Selected as Chairman of The Conservative Caucus
May 1, Vienna, VA Peter J. Thomas, one of the founders of The
Conservative Caucus (TCC) in 1974, takes over today as the
organization’s new Chairman. He has a long history of activity in
conservative politics, and as a political appointee in Republican
administrations going back to Ronald Reagan. Thomas replaces Howard
Phillips, who retired late last year.
Thomas thanked Howard Phillips for his many years of service to TCC and
for his unwavering support of Conservative issues. Thomas went on to say
his goal as Chairman is to restore the Caucus as a grass roots lobbing
force in the congressional districts as well as on Capitol Hill. .
Thomas served as TCC’s National Field Director from 1975-1981, seeking
to establish a grass roots network in each state and congressional
district. He played a key role in organizing citizen opposition to the
Panama Canal Treaties, the SALT II Treaty, and the proposed
Constitutional Amendment that would have given the District of Columbia
voting representation in Congress. He later founded and served as
President of the Massachusetts Foundation for Economic Research.
President Reagan appointed him as the New England Regional Administrator
of the General Services Administration in 1981, a position he held until
1985. Thomas returned to the Federal government in 1990, working in the
Small Business Administration for two years. He gained first-hand
experience with Congress as Chief of Staff to Rep. Peter Torkildsen
(R-MA) from 1995-1997. He later served President George W. Bush in the
Department of Agriculture, rising to the position of Acting Assistant
Secretary for Administration.
The new TCC Chairman also has an extensive background in the business
sector, leading the consulting firm of Bay State Strategies since 1997.
Earlier he spent four years as Director of Public Affairs for Papa
Gino’s of America, a restaurant chain.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton
health-care takeover, and persuading the U.S. House of Representatives
impeach President Clinton.
Americans Say No to Obama
Amnesty |
April 30, 2012 | |
Obama’s Amnesty by Executive Power Has Little
Public Support
The recent Obama administration decision to exempt most illegal
aliens from deportation has little support from the American public,
according to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus. Ninety-eight
percent said that this was an abuse of executive branch authority, and
the same number favored congressional hearings on the policy.
The new Obama policy focuses only on the deportation of illegal aliens
who have committed an additional, and serious, crime. Deportation
proceedings against other illegal aliens were dismissed, granting them
what amounts to amnesty.
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 3,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
Obama's Disregard of the
Constitution |
April 9, 2012 | |
POLL: 94% agreed that another four years of
Obama could result in irreparable harm to the United States.
Americans are very concerned about President Obama’s
disregard of the Constitution, according to a poll conducted by The
Conservative Caucus (TCC). Obama’s violation of the separation of
powers, expansion of government beyond its Constitutional boundaries,
attack on individual liberty, and flouting of the Tenth Amendment were
each named by 66% as reasons for concern.
Sixty-eight percent were of the opinion that Obama would not have been
elected if Americans had known of his lack of respect for the
Constitution, and 94% agreed that another four years of Obama could
result in irreparable harm to the United States.
The polling took place before the President’s recent remarks in which he
at first denied the Supreme Court’s Constitutional responsibility to
determine the constitutionality of Federal laws.
The poll was conducted by mail and included more than 5,000
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton
health-care takeover, and having the U.S. House of Representatives
impeach President Clinton.
TCCF Senate Report
Released |
April 5 2012 | |

The Conservative Caucus Foundation just issued its April Senate
Report, detailing 3 key votes:
- The Keystone pipeline
- ObamaCare contraception mandate vote
- Ending duplicative Federal programs.
You are invited to
read it
and share it with with your friends.
No to Government Union
Bargaining |
April 4 2012 | |
Voters Opposed to Collective Bargaining with Public
Employee Unions
There is strong opposition to collective bargaining with
public employee unions, according to a poll conducted by The
Conservative Caucus (TCC). A prohibition on such bargaining was
supported by 94%, with 92% saying they would be more inclined to support
a candidate who held that position.
Collective bargaining by the Federal government was legalized by
President Kennedy in 1961, and 78% believed that Kennedy’s motivation
was political.
The poll was conducted by mail and included more than 2,000
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton
health-care takeover, and having the U.S. House of Representatives
impeach President Clinton.
GOP Ryan Budget Too Timid |
March 27 2012 | |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
Conservatives Say Ryan Budget Is Too Timid
The proposed budget released this week by House Budget Chairman Paul
Ryan fails to seriously attack the deficit according to The Conservative
Caucus (TCC). Charles Orndorff, TCC Vice Chairman, said that the Ryan
budget allows Federal spending to continue growing, does not attempt to
eliminate the deficit even in the long run, and fails to identify
unconstitutional programs and target them for elimination.
"Chairman Ryan boasts of reducing President Obama’s deficits by $3
trillion over ten years, but fails to mention that his own budget still
adds more than $3 trillion to the national debt. Furthermore, at the end
of ten years, the deficit is trending upward again. Chairman Ryan
projects deficits to continue past 2030, which is unacceptable", said
Orndorff. He pointed out that the Ryan budget, with temporary reductions
in the deficit followed by a return to growing deficits late in the
decade, follow the same basic path as the Obama budget.
TCC favors a freeze on total Federal spending, said Orndorff. If
spending were capped at the 2012 level of $3.6 trillion, and the revenue
estimates of the Ryan budget are correct, the deficit would be replaced
by an $18 billion surplus in 2017.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton
health-care takeover, and persuading the U.S. House of Representatives
impeach President Clinton.
TCC Poll: No Amnesty! |
March 8 2012 | |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
Poll Says Americans Want US to Get Tough on Illegal
Americans favor strong border security over amnesty as the response
to illegal immigration, according to a poll conducted by The
Conservative Caucus (TCC). Only 1% favored granting amnesty to illegal
aliens, while all favored "actively enforced" immigration laws.
Granting citizenship to children born in the United States but whose
parents are here illegally was supported by only 1%.
Using the filibuster to block any amnesty bill had 87% support, while
99% said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supported
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 3,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton
health-care takeover, and having the U.S. House of Representatives
impeach President Clinton.
Poll: Stop the NAU |
February 8 2012 | |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
North American Union Has Little Public Support
Few Americans support a North American Union (NAU) that would merge
the government of the United States with those of Mexico and Canada,
according to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF).
Ninety-nine percent wanted the nation’s borders defended, not opened
to unlimited immigration from Mexico and Canada, while 93% disagreed
with the policy of implementing an NAU without the approval of Congress
or the voters.
The cost of U.S. welfare benefits for Mexicans and Canadians was also
a concern to 98%.
The poll was conducted by mail and received about 1,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF), founded in 1976, has
published studies on many public policy issues, including some
concerning a Constitutional Budget, Red China, the Panama Canal, the
START treaties, and SDI.
Americans Against Amnesty |
January 25 2012 | |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
Obama’s Amnesty by Executive Power Has Little Public
The recent Obama administration decision to exempt most illegal
aliens from deportation has little support from the American public,
according to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus. Ninety-eight
percent said that this was an abuse of executive branch authority, and
100% favored congressional hearings on the policy.
Respondents identified the major problems associated with illegal
immigration as being taxpayer-funded welfare benefits (96%), increased
crime (92%), and drug trafficking (92%).
The new Obama policy focuses only on the deportation of illegal aliens
who have committed an additional, and serious, crime. Deportation
proceedings against other illegal aliens were dismissed, granting them
what amounts to amnesty.
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 10,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
Americans Strongly Oppose
ObamaCare |
January 23, 2012 | |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
Americans Still Negative on ObamaCare
Americans expect ObamaCare to harm, rather than help the quality of
healthcare, according to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus
(TCC), and 60% feel "strongly" that it should be repealed.
At least 98% believe that ObamaCare will lead to fewer doctors, less
research and development, and long waiting times.
Impatience is growing with the failure of the House of
Representatives to make repeal of ObamaCare a priority, with 96% saying
that Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and the Republican leadership must do
more. Ninety-eight percent said that repealing ObamaCare would be a
"very important" factor in deciding who to vote for in 2012, and 90%
said they would support a "Tea Party-style Constitutional conservative"
against a less conservative incumbent in a Republican primary.
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 4,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
Howard Phillips Retires,
TCC Leadership Promises to Keep Up The Fight |
January 11, 2012 | |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Charles Orndorff
Phillips Retires After 37 Years of Leading The
Conservative Caucus
Howard Phillips, founder of The Conservative Caucus (TCC) and its
Chairman since 1974, has resigned, saying that recent health problems
required that he "direct my energies on my health, my family life, my
spiritual priorities, and my writings." He affirmed his gratitude "for
the opportunities God has given me to work with such fine people and I
remain wholeheartedly supportive of the important work and mission of
this organization."
Phillips, now 70, led TCC through successful battles to block
ratification of the SALT II Treaty, begin the SDI missile defense
program, repeal the Catastrophic Coverage Act, prevent passage of
Hillary Clinton’s socialized medicine scheme, and persuade the House of
Representatives to impeach President Bill Clinton.
He visited all 50 states in campaigns against the Panama Canal
treaties, SALT II, and the nuclear freeze. He also held organizational
meetings in all 435 congressional districts during the early years of
His leadership in TCC’s Victory Over Communism project included
support for anti-Communist freedom fighters in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America, repeal of the Clark Amendment, Congressional approval of the MX
missile, a 600-ship navy, and even a visit to Eastern Europe and the
Baltic states as the Soviet empire began to show signs of collapse.
Phillips is a graduate of the Boston Latin School and Harvard, having
served as President of the Harvard Student Council. He was one of the
founders of Young Americans for Freedom.
Prior to founding The Conservative Caucus, he was Republican Chairman
of Boston and campaign manager for Richard Schweiker’s successful 1968
Senate campaign in Pennsylvania.
During the Nixon administration, Phillips headed the President’s
Council on Youth Opportunity and the Office of Economic Opportunity
(OEO), and won nationwide conservative acclaim when he attempted to
eliminate the OEO programs.
The Constitution Party (originally named the
U.S. Taxpayers Party) nominated Phillips as its candidate for President
in 1992, 1996, and 2000.
TCC’s Board of Directors expects to choose a new Chairman early in
2012, with Darrell Castle serving as interim Chairman. Castle was the
2008 Vice-presidential nominee of the Constitution Party.
Poll: Americans Oppose
Amnesty |
December 20, 2011 |
Digg This |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE For further information, contact:
Charles Orndorff, 703-938-9626
Obama’s Amnesty by Executive Power Has Little Public
The recent Obama administration decision to exempt most illegal aliens
from deportation has little support from the American public, according
to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus. Ninety-eight percent
said that this was an abuse of executive branch authority, and 96%
favored congressional hearings on the policy.
The new Obama policy focuses only on the deportation of illegal
aliens who have committed an additional, and serious, crime. Deportation
proceedings against other illegal aliens were dismissed, granting them
what amounts to amnesty.
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 10,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
Candidates: How to Restore
the Constitution |
December 12, 2011 |
The Ten Actions That the Next President
Should Take in Order to Restore Compliance with the U.S. Constitution
by Howard Phillips
Issue an Executive Order for the cessation
of all activities related to ObamaCare – no enforcement of
provisions already in effect, and no preparations for provisions
going into effect in 2014. No funds would be spent for any purpose
related to ObamaCare, except what may be required to shut down
current operations.
Order the Department of Homeland Security
to proceed with the deportation of all known illegal aliens.
Instruct all cabinet members to review
each program in their departments for constitutional justification
and report to the President within 30 days. Follow these reports
with a message to Congress, calling for a phase-out of
unconstitutional programs during FY 2013.
Prepare and send to Congress a balanced
budget for FY 2014, eliminating unconstitutional programs, and
promising to veto any bills containing unconstitutional spending.
Promise to veto any further increase in
the debt ceiling.
Announce that U.S. armed forces will cease
fighting undeclared wars and return home as quickly as the officers
in command deem practical.
Call on Congress to enact HR 1146, the
American Sovereignty Restoration Act while immediately suspending
all US payments to the United Nations and withdrawing from all
participation in the United Nations.
Appoint a commission to draft a plan to
fund the Federal government entirely from tariffs and excises, with
the income tax and the 16th Amendment to be repealed.
Announce that no members will be appointed
to the Federal Election Commission, ending its ability to enforce
unconstitutional limitations on freedom of speech.
Appoint a commission to prepare a plan for
the phasing out of the Federal Reserve system.
Americans Say "No" to
North American Union |
November 21, 2011 |
Digg This |
IMMEDIATE RELEASE For further information, contact:
Charles Orndorff, 703-281-6782
North American Union Has Little Public Support
Few Americans support a North American Union (NAU) that would merge
the government of the United States with those of Mexico and Canada,
according to a poll conducted by The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF).
Ninety-five percent described the NAU scheme as “an assault on our
way of life”, ninety-nine percent saw it as a “betrayal of the
Constitution”, and 99% also disagreed with the policy of implementing an
NAU without the approval of Congress or the voters.
Defending the U.S. border with Mexico, rather than eliminating it, won
99% support. The cost of U.S. welfare benefits for Mexicans and
Canadians was also a concern to 99%.
The poll was conducted by mail and received about 3,500 responses.
The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF), founded in 1976, has
published studies on many public policy issues, including some
concerning a Constitutional Budget, Red China, the Panama Canal, the
START treaties, and SDI.
Howard Phillips' Op-Ed in
Roll Call |
November 17, 2011 |
Digg This |
Phillips: Stop Wasting Time; Balance the Budget
By Howard Phillips
Special to Roll Call - Nov. 16, 2011
It is time for conservatives in Congress to cease wasting time on a
balanced budget constitutional amendment and focus on a specific plan to
end the deficit through spending cuts.
A balanced budget amendment is a waste of time because it would fail
to produce a balanced budget. It cannot be effectively enforced.
Enforcement would have to be the responsibility of Congress, the
president or the federal courts. Congress will certainly not enforce
such an amendment because it already has the power to balance the budget
but has refused to do so.
An amendment would not change the basic political equation, which is
that voters welcome government benefits while refusing to accept the
taxes required to pay for those benefits. This guarantees that Congress
would respond to a balanced budget amendment by seizing upon any
loophole to evade it, and the amendments always include one or more such
Most amendments allow Congress to continue deficit spending during a
war, even an undeclared war. The amendments also allow Congress, by the
vote of a supermajority, to suspend the balanced budget requirement
whenever Congress wishes to do so. The political realities would make it
much easier to obtain a three-fifths or two-thirds vote to “temporarily”
continue spending than a majority to make painful and unpopular spending
Handing enforcement power to the president would be no more effective
and would introduce dangerous side effects. The president would feel the
same political constraints as Congress and would be unwilling to risk
unpopularity for himself and his party.
However, giving him the power to make unilateral decisions on spending
cuts would enormously increase the president’s influence over Congress.
He would be able to threaten Members with the loss of spending
considered vital for their state or district, forcing them into line
when administration bills come up for a vote.
Our nation would suffer from the worst of both worlds as the president
made small spending cuts to punish his political enemies while refusing
to balance the budget.
Read the complete op-ed at:
Americans: No Citizenship
for Children of Illegals |
October 27, 2011 |
Digg This |
Contact: Charles Orndorff
Most Americans oppose granting citizenship to children born in the
United States to illegal aliens, according to a poll conducted by The
Conservative Caucus. Eighty-nine percent oppose citizenship, with 83%
saying they strongly oppose it.
Passage of the Birthright Citizenship Act (HR 140) was supported by
65%. This bill, introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-IA), would amend
current law so that citizenship would not be conferred on anyone born in
the United States unless at least one parent was a citizen or a legal
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 2,500 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
Americans: Ban Public Employee Unions |
October 27, 2011 |
Digg This |
Contact: Charles Orndorff
Time to End Bargaining with Public Employee Unions
Government-employee unions should be banned, according to a poll
conducted by The Conservative Caucus (TCC).
The ban was supported by 88%, compared to 8% supporting unions and 4%
undecided. A ban on all types of political contributions by
government-employee unions had 94% support, with only 2% disagreeing.
Seventy-eight percent believed that the 1961 legalization of
government-employee unions at the Federal level was done for purely
political reasons.
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 1,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
Eliminate Legal Services
Corp. |
October 12, 2011 |
Digg This |
The good news is that Congress has cut funding for the left-wing
radical-activist Legal Services Corporation (LSC). According to USA
Today, 8/30/11, the LSC is "laying off employees, cutting services
and increasingly turning away people who need assistance as slashed
budgets face deeper cuts."
They’d save a lot more time and money if they stopped funding
programs that promote abortion, sodomy and "welfare rights".
As reported by USA Today, "Congress cut funding for the Legal
Services Corp. (LSC), an umbrella non-profit group that distributes
grants to 136 programs on the state level." The cuts were for $15.8
million dollars, which is "about 4% of the program’s most recent
In addition, "the House Appropriation Committee has proposed slashing
an additional $104 million dollars for fiscal 2012, rolling back funding
to $300 million dollars - a level not seen since 1999."
The LSC should not be receiving a single penny of taxpayer funds.
Senator Malcolm Wallop |
October 5, 2011 |
Digg This |
One of the greatest orators in the history of the U. S. Senate has
died. Malcolm Wallop was out front on a number of important issues.
was a determined anti-communist, and one of the initial enthusiastic
supporters of SDI. He will certainly be missed. An obit in The
Washington Post had
this to say:
Senator Charles Percy |
September 30, 2011 |
Digg This |
I first met the late Senator Charles H. Percy when I was age 19 and
President of the Harvard Student Council. I had contacted him, who was
then running the Bell & Howell Corporation, about a possible speech to
an event I was hosting. He was unable to accept my invitation, but we
had a good conversation. Subsequently, I organized an independent U. S.
Senate campaign in 1984, which was largely responsible for Percy losing
his Senate seat.
Former Senator Charles Percy (R-Ill.) died September 17, 2011 at age
91. The obituary was reported in the
Washington Post (9/18/11).
Constitution Day Event |
September 17, 2011 |
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You are cordially invited to the
Celebrating September 17, 1787 when the Constitution of the
United States was adopted.
The Agenda
Introductory Remarks by Howard Phillips, Chairman of The
Conservative Caucus
Federal Budget Expert Peter Ferrara
Presentation by Howard Phillips of the
Andrew Jackson Champion of Liberty Award to Richard Norman,
President of the Richard Norman Company.
Closing Remarks
Peter Ferrara is the Senior Policy Advisor for Social
Security and Medicare with the Institute for Policy
Innovation. He is also Director of the International Center
for Law and Economics and President of the Virginia Club for
Growth. He served as a senior staff member in the White
House Office of Policy Development under President Reagan
and as Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United
States under the first President Bush. He is a graduate of
Harvard College and Harvard Law School, and has practiced
law with firms on Wall Street and in Washington, DC. He
wrote the first book for the Cato Institute providing a
comprehensive intellectual foundation for a personal account
option for Social Security, Social Security: The Inherent
Contradiction (1980), and has continued to write on that
concept in further books, studies and articles for Cato, the
Heritage Foundation, the National Center for Policy
Analysis, the Family Research Council, the U.S Chamber of
Commerce, and a wide range of other institutions and
publications. |
News Release - Guest
Availability |
August 25, 2011 |
Digg This |
Former Colleague of Dick Cheney
Available for Interviews
on the Occasion of Cheney's Book Release
Conservative leader
Howard Phillips is available for interviews and talk shows
regarding Vice President Dick Cheney’s upcoming book; “In My
Mr. Phillips succeeded
Mr. Cheney as the Special Assistant to the Director of the
U.S. Office on Economic Opportunity in 1973; and Mr. Cheney
welcomed Mr. Phillips to the post, saying “I’m glad you’ve
signed on because you’ll do things here that we wouldn’t
dare to do.” Indeed, Mr. Phillips worked to terminate
Federal grants and contracts to left wing activist groups.
Mr. Phillips remarked he once told the Vice President;
“next to Aaron Burr, you’re my favorite Vice
President--but Burr was a better shot!”
Mr. Phillips opposed
Mr. Cheney’s support for wage and price controls, which he
and Don Rumsfeld advanced at the direction of President
You are invited to
bring this and more information about Vice President Cheney
to your readers and listeners.
Mr. Phillips is the
founder and Chairman of The Conservative Caucus, a
non-partisan, nationwide grass-roots public policy advocacy
group, headquartered near the nation’s Capital.
-- 30 --
Balanced Budget Amendment
Letter |
August 16, 2011 |
Digg This |
I sent the following letter to Senator McConnell as well as to
Senators Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee,
John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Representatives
McCarthy and Robert Goodlatte.
Please read and share with others the full critique of the
balanced budget amendment.
July 29, 2011
Hon. Mitch McConnell
Minority Leader
U.S. Senate
S-230, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20150
Dear Leader McConnell:
It is encouraging to see many members of Congress making an effort to
move toward a balanced Federal budget by reducing spending rather than
raising taxes.
However, it is disturbing that this is so often linked with support for
a balanced budget amendment, as if such an amendment would actually
result in a balanced budget.
The enclosed study, prepared by The Conservative Caucus Foundation,
demonstrates that a balanced budget amendment would fail to bring about
a balanced budget, but might dangerously shift power from Congress to
the President and Federal judges.
I urge you and your staff to read this study, and to focus your efforts
entirely on spending cuts, without wasting time on a purely symbolic
balanced budget amendment.
I would be happy to discuss this further with you. Feel free to call me.
Howard Phillips
Rep. Bobby Franklin
A great American Constitutionalist, my friend Georgia Rep. Bobby
Franklin, has been found dead on July 26, apparently of a heart attack.
Here are some of the reports concerning Bobby Franklin’s life and
Bobby was a strong, pro-life advocate. He was the author of the
Constitutional Tender Act, which aimed to make gold and silver the only
legal tender for payments of debts by and to the state of Georgia,
pursuant Article 1, Section 10 of the U. S. Constitution. He tried to
outlaw all abortions. He was a strong defender of the right to keep and
bear arms, and was a vigorous foe of state and local income taxes.
Bobby was a personal friend, and a great Patriot.
Cut Government Pay |
July 29, 2011 |
Digg This |
Contact: Charles Orndorff
Time to Cut Pay of Government Employees, Poll Says
Government-employee unions should be banned, according to a poll
conducted by The Conservative Caucus (TCC).
The ban was supported by 88%, compared to 8% supporting unions and 4%
undecided. A ban on all types of political contributions by
government-employee unions had 94% support, with only 2% disagreeing.
Seventy-eight percent believed that the 1961 legalization of
government-employee unions at the Federal level was done for purely
political reasons.
The poll was conducted by mail, with about 1,000 responses.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots public policy action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II
Treaty, repealing the Catastrophic Coverage Act, having the U.S. House
of Representatives impeach President Clinton, and blocking passage of
amnesty for illegal aliens.
My friend, Charles "Chuck" Manatt, former chairman of the Democratic
National Committee, has died. I met Chuck Manatt in 1960 when I debated
him before an audience comprised of National Student Congress attendees.
I represented Richard Nixon, and Manatt represented Jack Kennedy in the
debate. Over the years, Manatt and I became friends and collaborated on
various projects.
On the eve of the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San
Francisco, presidential nominee Walter Mondale tried to replace Manatt
with Jimmy Carter buddy, Burt Lance. Mondale backed off after an outcry
within the party, triggered in part by Mr. Manatt’s positive reputation
in the ranks, and Mr. Lance’s ties to a banking scandal for which he had
been tried and acquitted.
As President, Bill Clinton appointed Manatt to be Ambassador to the
Dominican Republic, where he served from 1999 to 2001.
Recently, I did a 30-minute radio interview with Steve Martin and
Jack McCarthy of WXME-AM in Monticello, Maine.
It was a very friendly interview and we covered a number of topics,
including the North American Union (NAU).
My son, Brad, and I spent two hours with Jardo Muekalia discussing
the situation in Angola and Namibia.
Jardo observed that American oil companies remain active in Angola,
and said that China’s presence is widespread, and that China has, in
effect, become the bank of Angola.
Letter to Sen. Coburn |
March 22, 2011 |
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March 18, 2011
Hon. Tom Coburn
United States Senate
172 Russell Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Tom:
I ask you to consider a change in Federal law,
replacing the current statute which provides that, if a state refuses a
Federal grant, the funding remains available and is reallocated to other
states. This is what happened in Florida after the state government
refused a high-speed rail grant.
Of course, this policy makes it much more
difficult for governors to reject Federal grants. It leaves them
vulnerable to the charge that they have done nothing to reduce Federal
spending or the deficit. The rejection simply means that the taxpayers
in the state are failing to obtain any benefit from a program that their
taxes finance.
Federal laws can be changed to require that
any funds rejected by a state would automatically be subtracted from the
appropriation. This would allow governors to actually have an impact on
the deficit when they refuse to accept unnecessary or harmful grants.
I hope you will take up this cause. In any
event, I appreciate your consideration and admire the leadership you
provide on so many fronts.
With personal best wishes, I am
Howard Phillips
US/Canadian Border to be
Abolished |
March 15, 2011 |
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March 10, 2011
Hon. John Boehner
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
H-232 The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Mr. Speaker:
I strongly encourage you to have the
appropriate House committees hold hearings to investigate the weakening
of security along the Canadian border, as described by President Obama
and Prime Minister Harper in their February 4 news conference.
The President’s decision to move toward a
"North American Perimeter", with less demanding security along the
U.S.-Canadian border, raises serious questions which should be
investigated and debated by Congress.
Will this new perimeter provide protection
equal to what Americans now enjoy? Would it have been sufficient to
catch the terrorist who successfully entered Canada and then attempted
to cross the border into the U.S. in 1999 with the intention of killing
Americans as they celebrated the arrival of the year 2000?
Does this new perimeter reduce American
independence, surrendering to Canada the Federal government’s
Constitutional responsibility to protect the American people? Will it
pave the way for a future North American Union, merging the United
States, Canada, and Mexico into a superstate modeled on the European
I hope that the House will exercise its
oversight responsibility on this important matter.
Howard Phillips
Senator Jim McClure |
March 7, 2011 |
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McClure, a three-term U.S Senator from Idaho, has died at the age of 87.
Senator McClure was a good friend who worked closely with me on a number
of projects.
I recall the role he played introducing Henry Kissinger at the 1980
Republican National Convention. I did my best to persuade him to abandon
that assignment, but he graciously declined my request.
He would have been the Republican leader in the U.S. Senate, but lost
in a five-way contest in which Bob Dole prevailed.
Conservative Roundtable |
March 2, 2011 |
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We taped three excellent programs of Conservative Roundtable on
February 16 Channel 10 headquarters. Our guests were Dick Patten
(President of the American Family Business Institute), who
comprehensively discussed the death tax from the Federal and state
perspective; Larry Pratt (Executive Director of Gun Owners of America);
and Wendy Wright (President of Concerned Women for America).
Watch Conservative Roundtable on your
local cable TV
or on Youtube
For further information: contact:
Charles Orndorff: 703-938-9626
Americans 'Send Them a Message' to
Repeal ObamaCare!
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) launched the "Pledge to
Repeal ObamaCare" campaign at
Americans are urged to visit and print the Pledge to Repeal
ObamaCare and get their Senators, Representative and
candidates for the House and Senate to sign the pledge.
Howard Phillips, TCC’s Chairman, announced the campaign
and the launch of www.SendThemAMessage.com, "This is a vital
step in repealing Obama’s Socialist medicine scheme, to help
keep the pressure on members of Congress to resist the influence
of special interests and liberals in both parties who will be
lobbying to avoid repealing ObamaCare.
Make no mistake, there are many powerful individuals and
companies who will quickly learn how to profit from health care
rationing and other elements of Socialist medicine; they will
fight efforts by Americans to repeal this dangerous scheme."
Mr. Phillips invited Americans to
pass the word to their friends; "As concerned citizens, your
action and that of your friends can make the difference, and I
invite you to visit SendThemAMessage.com now and send ‘them’ a
In conclusion, Mr. Phillips noted the effectiveness of
videoing pledge signing and deliveries, "Under the scrutiny of a
video camera, you may find members of Congress and candidates
more willing to be courageous and sign the pledge to repeal
ObamaCare, than in the quiet of their office with special
interests looking over their shoulder."
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in opposing the
ObamaCare bill, defeating the SALT II Treaty, repealing the
Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton health-care
takeover, and impeaching President Clinton.
Watch the video:
Here's HOW
to Stop Obamacare Socialized Medicine
-- 30 --
Recently I was asked "If you were going to homeschool your
own children today, what curriculum and method would you
I am, in fact, helping to homeschool four of my
grandchildren, and my method is very simple: a) I share life
experiences with them, b) I give them books to read which I
think are of particular value and importance, c) I ask them to
write reports on each of those books, d) I emphasize vocabulary
and grammar, et cetera. So far, each of them is doing very well
on their College Board tests and college admissions.
My youngest son, Sam, was homeschooled, even while he resided
in his mother’s womb, and he was accepted at every college to
which he applied, including Hampden-Sydney, William and Mary,
Virginia Military Institute, Christendom College, and The
Citadel. In most cases, he was offered scholarships.
We had no fixed curriculum, but we made sure he was well
versed in the Constitution, the Bible, current events, history,
et cetera.
You also ask "If you were going to invest in career education
today, where would you place a bet on demand for the future?
What skills would you develop in order to be a viable worker in
the economy of the future?".
My answer is very simple. There will always be a demand for
integrity, energy, as well as verbal and written communication
Good men are hard to find, and they usually will have no
problem whatsoever in finding suitable opportunities.
Thanks for asking.
Howard Phillips
Visit HowardPhillips.com for the latest commentary, news and action items in support of
restoring our Constitutional Republic |
To support the many important projects of The Conservative Caucus with a
donation, please call 703-938-9626 or
donate online. Thank you. |