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Please Help Stop Obama's Radical Agenda |
December 30, 2008 |
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Dear TCC Supporter,
As I prepare TCC’s legislative strategy for the new year, I
seek your help to support our top priorities with your most
possible financial gift.
The election of Barack Obama and the more-liberal Congress
make the work of The Conservative Caucus (TCC) even more
urgent and more important. Unless conservatives unite and
lead the charge to block the Obama agenda, the next four
years could be a nightmare for concerned Americans. I am
preparing TCC’s campaigns to block Obama’s radical agenda,
and invite you to participate.
With your support, we are ready to lead the way against:
- Restoration of the Fairness Doctrine,--the "Censorship
Doctrine." Which would shut down talk radio and maybe even
conservative websites.
- Obama’s promise to impose new taxes, regulations and
fees that could bankrupt American families attempting to
afford heat and gasoline.
- Amnesty for illegal aliens, and possible new benefits
which would attract even more immigrants, both legal and
- Socialized medicine which would result in the rationing
of medical care and months-long waits for routine and even
emergency care—just as happens in Canada and other
socialized-medicine countries.
- The unconstitutional award of voting privileges in the
House of Representatives to Washington, D.C.
- Higher spending.
- More Federal involvement in the indoctrination ofTs in the government schools.
- Elimination of the secret ballot in union elections.
- Drastic cuts in U.S. defense spending, particularly with
regard to SDI and space programs.
- Plans to merge the United States into a North American
Union (NAU) and scrap the dollar for the “Amero.”
- Many more dangerous programs to socialize America.
Your support
will help TCC reach Americans across the country with
legislative alerts; expand our nationwide conservative
television program, Conservative Roundtable; hold news
conferences and public events; reach talk shows and media
outlets; build a huge army of volunteers and activists who
will flood Congress with letters and petitions; and many
other important actions which will result in pressure on
Congress to block the Obama agenda.
With personal best wishes, I am
Howard Phillips
The Conservative Caucus
You may donate now at:
- Our secure online donation page:
Print a form to mail with your check:
Paypal users may donate easily here:
Call our office at 703-938-9626 with your credit
card information.
Obama & "Early Education" |
December 24, 2008 |
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One of the most dangerous items on the Obama agenda is
government control of children at ever younger ages, separating
them from their parents under the guise of "early childhood
education". Obama described early childhood education as among
his highest priorities, and his nominee for Education Secretary,
Arne Duncan, is a strong advocate.
As The New York Times observes, the $10 million Obama
has pledged for early childhood education would amount to the
largest new Federal initiative for young children since Head
Start began in 1965. Richard Nixon, in 1971, wisely vetoed a
bill that would have underwritten child care for everyone,
arguing, correctly, that the bill would commit the vast moral
authority of the national government to the side of communal
approaches to child rearing over/against the family-centered
"It was the morning after the presidential election, and
Matthew Melmed, executive director of Zero to Three, a national
organization devoted to early childhood education, could barely
contain his exultation.
"Mr. Melmed fired off an e-mail message to his board and
staff, reminding them of President-elect Barack Obama’s interest
in the care and education of the very young and congratulating
Mr. Obama for campaigning on a ‘comprehensive platform for early
"Mr. Melmed was not alone in his excitement. After years of
what they call backhanded treatment by the Bush administration,
whose focus has been on the testing of older children, many
advocates are atremble with anticipation over Mr. Obama’s
espousal of early childhood education.
"In the presidential debates, he twice described it as among
his highest priorities, and his choice for secretary of
education, Arne Duncan, the Chicago schools superintendent, is a
strong advocate for it.
"And the $10 billion Mr. Obama has pledged for early
childhood education would amount to the largest new federal
initiative for young children since Head Start began in 1965.
Now, Head Start is a $7 billion federal program serving about
900,000 preschoolers.
" ‘People are absolutely ecstatic,’ said Cornelia Grumman,
executive director of the First Five Years Fund, an advocacy
group. ‘Some people seem to think the Great Society is upon us
again.’ …
"It is not as though Mr. Obama is running against the wind.
Major philanthropists including Bill Gates; Warren Buffett’s
children; and George B. Kaiser, an Oklahoma oil billionaire, are
financing education efforts for the very young. And the chairman
of the Federal Reserve and many governors have said that
expanding early childhood education should be a national
priority. …
"Mr. Obama’s platform, which Mr. Duncan helped write,
emphasizes extending care to infants and toddlers as well, and
it makes helping poor children a priority. It would also provide
new federal financing for states rolling out programs to serve
young children of all incomT>"Outright opponents are fewer, and certainly less influential
than they once were. In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon vetoed
a bill that would have underwritten child care for everyone,
arguing that the bill ‘would commit the vast moral authority of
the national government to the side of communal approaches to
child rearing over against the family-centered approach.’
"For years after that, conservatives blocked many early
childhood initiatives, but resistance has diminished in recent
years." Source: The New York Times, 12/17/08, p. 1, Sam
Merry Christmas |
December 22, 2008 |
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Merry Christmas
and Best Wni>
for the New Year
Howard Phillips,
his family, and
the staff members
and their families of
The Conservative
Caucus (TCC) and
The Conservative Caucus Foundation
The Left Wing Folk Revolution |
December 11, 2008 |
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I first heard Odetta sing in the summer of 1960 when, as
President of the Harvard Student Council, I was a leading
participant in the National Student Congress held in
That same year, I gave my permission to allow Communist folk
singer Pete Seeger the opportunity to perform on the Harvard
campus. This was my first real exposure to folk music – – –
which was used by leftists as a means for radicalizing potential
allies in the student community.
Here is what The Washington Post (12/4/08, p.B6) had
to say on the occasion of Odetta’s death: "Odetta, 77, a
forceful singer during the folk music revival and civil rights
struggle of the 1950s and 1960s and a self-described ‘musical
historian’ who championed the downtrodden by reviving slave,
prison and work songs, died Dec. 2 at Lenox Hill Hospital in New
York. She had heart disease and pulmonary fibrosis.
" ‘She was one of the great singers of late-20th-century
America,’ said folk musician and peace activist Pete Seeger, who
met Odetta at a folk songfest in 1950. He said in an interview
that ‘she sang straight, no tricks,’ meaning her performance
showed none of the idiosyncrasies that could detract from the
melodies and messages of the words she sang. …
"Seeger and singer Harry Belafonte were among her earliest
advocates, and she was said to have inspired Bob Dylan, Janis
Joplin, Joan Baez and Joan Armatrading. …
"A classically trained singer, Odetta adapted her remarkable
vocal range -- from soprano to baritone -- to a folk repertoire
that included blues, swing, sea chanteys, spirituals and protest
songs. She was widely remembered for singing ‘O Freedom’ and two
other spirituals as part of what she called the ‘Freedom
Trilogy’ at the 1963 March on Washington, where the Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr. introduced her.
"She tirelessly performed benefit concerts for the civil
rights movement, and in 1963, she sang in front of President
John F. Kennedy on the nationally televised civil rights special
‘Dinner With the President.’ Alongside King, she marched for
voting rights in 1965 in Selma, Ala.
" ‘In folk music, complex emotions are spoken about with such
simplicity that it's the highest form of art to me,’ she told
the New York Times in 1965. ‘You can unclutter things.’ …
"Her interest in long-forgotten music from chain gangs,
fieldworkers and cowboys -- music she unearthed in many cases
from the vaults of the Library of Congress -- earned her a
reputation as the ‘First Lady of the Folk Song.’ But she shunned
categorization and saw herself foremost as a ‘musical
historian,’ she told The Washington Post.
"Accompanied by her wood-bodied guitar ‘Baby,’ Odetta rose to
international prominence on television, stage and record with an
indomitable presence and voice that flexed from bell-like
clarity to nasal grittiness on songs such as ‘Waterboy,’ ‘The
House of the Rising Sun,’ ‘He's Got the Whole World in His
Hands,’ ‘Somebody Talking 'Bout Jesus’ and ‘Keep On Moving It
"In 1960, New York Times music critic Robert Shelton called
Odetta ‘the most glorious new voice in American folk music.’ But
she was already a veteran. She had played coffeehouses and
Carnegie Hall, as well as the Newport Folk Festival, and
appeared to poignant effect on TV shows with Belafonte and poet
Langston Hughes. …
"After graduating from high school, Odetta followed her
mother into work as a domestic worker. She also studied music in
night classes at Los Angeles City College and found choral work
in the West Coast touring company of the musical ‘Finian's
"The show took her to San Francisco in 1949, and it was there
that she was exposed to the folk music scene. …
"While maintaining a prolific career in concerts and
festivals, Odetta starred in a stage production about the life
of blues singer Bessie Smith and periodically took supporting
roles onscreen, including a dramatic part as a servant who kills
a child in ‘Sanctuary’ (1961), a film based on a William
Faulkner novel. She also played a supporting part in the 1974 TV
movie ‘The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman’ starring Cicely
"Her late-career albums were devoted to jazz singer Ella
Fitzgerald (‘To Ella,’ 1998) and blues guitarist and singer
Leadbelly (‘Looking for a Home,’ 2001). She earned a Grammy
Award nomination for ‘Blues Everywhere I Go,’ a 1999 release
honoring blueswomen of the 1920s and 1930s, and a second
nomination for ‘Gonna Let it Shine’ (2005), a live album of
Christmas spirituals.
"In 1999, she won the National Endowment for the Arts'
National Medal of Arts.
"Her marriages to Dan Gordon and Australian painter Gary
Shead ended in divorce. She was a former companion of
singer-guitarist Iversen ‘Louisiana Red’ Minter. "
A Successful Feminist |
December 10, 2008 |
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Vera Glaser tried to get me to date her daughter, and
shared some of her personal secrets with me. Now she’s dead.
"Vera Glaser thought the questions asked by her fellow
reporters at President Nixon's February 1969 news conference
were entirely too easy. Her colleagues asked about international
affairs, cigarette advertising on television, school
desegregation and an oil spill off the California coast.
" ‘I had about seven questions in mind that he could be
asked,’ the veteran journalist told a Penn State oral history
project. ‘When he recognized me, I had to decide quickly what I
was going to ask him.’
"She noted that of his 200 presidential appointments at that
point, only three had gone to women. ‘Can we expect some more
equitable recognition of women's abilities or are we going to
remain the lost sex?’ she asked.
"Some of her colleagues chuckled, she noticed, and Nixon
smiled and asked teasingly if she would like to come into the
administration. ‘But he must have realized, "I'm on television
with 50 million people watching," and he turned quite serious,’
Ms. Glaser said.
" ‘Very seriously, I did not know that only three had gone to
women, and I shall see that we correct that imbalance very
promptly,’ he said, according to a transcript of the conference.
"Catharine East, the Labor Department researcher whose work
on women's employment inspired the National Organization for
Women, saw the news conference and was delighted with Ms.
Glaser's question.
" ‘I thought, "Here's a woman after my own heart," ’ she told
The Washington Post in 1983. East, who died in 1996, noted that
the women's movement was not receiving any serious news
coverage, and most of what was written was patronizing and the
issues trivialized.
"So East sent Ms. Glaser a letter. ‘I gather from the tone of
your question, you might be interested in a few statistics,’ the
researcher said. From that start, Ms. Glaser wrote her
definitive work, a five-part syndicated newspaper series about
discrimination against women in employment and government
"Ms. Glaser, 92, Washington bureau chief for the former North
American Newspaper Alliance syndicate of 90 newspapers, and
national correspondent and syndicated columnist for the old
Knight Ridder newspaper chain, died Nov. 26 at Brighton Gardens
at Friendship Heights in Chevy Chase. She had Parkinson's
"As a result of her question to Nixon, the first systematic
program to recruit women into federal executive positions was
set up.
" ‘She made a significant difference in the coverage of the
women's liberation movement,’ said Kimberly Wilmot Voss, a
journalism historian at the University of Central Florida. Women
like her ‘worked behind the scenes. Their names might not be
well known, but they laid the groundwork, and she was on the
forefront of writing about the women's movement.’
"Ms. Glaser's daughter agreed. ‘She felt she was a voice for
women in journalism when it was an uphill fight,’ said the Rev.
Carol Barriger of Redwood City, Calif. Survivors also include
three grandchildren and a great-grandson.
"Ms. Glaser served on a couple of presidential commissions
having to do with women and the White House Fellows. She and
Malvina Stephenson shared the ‘Offbeat Washington’ column for
five years and broke several important stories.
"In June 1969, she quoted FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover calling
columnist Carl Rowan ‘racist’ for raising objections to FBI
wiretaps of political activists. In 1970, she and Stephenson
wrote about Clark Mollenhoff, a special counsel to the White
House, collecting the names of 250 State Department employees
who criticized Nixon's decision to expand the Vietnam War into
"She was a past president of the Washington Press Club,
formerly the Women's National Press Club, which was started in
response to the prohibition against women in the National Press
Club. In 1963, after Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev insisted
during a visit to Washington that female as well as male
correspondents be permitted to cover him, she wrote a pointed
story about the event.
" ‘Female writers in Washington had a communist dictator to
thank for temporarily lifting them from their second-class
status,’ she wrote.
"Born in St. Louis, Ms. Glaser became aware of gender
discrimination when she graduated first in her high school class
during the Depression. That typically meant a scholarship to the
local Washington University, but a young man got it. Decades
later, she recalled, that snub and later workplace
discrimination turned her into ‘a fighting feminist.’
"In 1939, she married Herbert R. Glaser, who died in 1992.
They moved to Washington and she began publishing freelance
pieces in magazines until joining the old Washington Times
Herald in 1944. She worked for a series of news outlets, as well
as on the staffs of Sen. Charles Potter (R-Mich.), Sen. Kenneth
Keating (R-N.Y.) and the women's division of the Republican
National Committee.
"During the 1960s and 1970s, she was with her newspaper
syndicate and Knight Ridder, and in the 1980s worked at
Washingtonian magazine. In the 1990s, she was a correspondent
for Maturity News Service. Ms. Glaser also was a member of the
Cosmos Club and the International Women's Media Foundation.
"In the past few years, she lost much of her sight, but
friends, who described her as a warm woman with a ready smile,
said she still enjoyed having front-page headlines and
editorials read to her." Source: The Washington Post,
12/7/08, p. C7, Patricia Sullivan
Capitol Visitors Center |
December 5, 2008 |
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The new Capitol Visitors Center is a disgrace, projecting, as
it does, unauthorized changes in the text and meaning of the
Constitution of the United States.
"Matthew Spalding, director of the Center for American
Studies at the Heritage Foundation, says the visitor center
selectively cuts passages from the Constitution, weighing in on
a long-running debate about the scope and limits of federal
power by taking the liberal side of that debate, envisioning
broad congressional powers that the Founding Fathers never
" ‘I started looking at this stuff, and it’s just patently
absurd,’ he said. ‘The dominant message when you walk [through]
the doors in this exhibit you’re hit with is the role of
Congress is to fulfill our greatest aspirations. So the message
you’re teaching these millions of visitors each year is the
Constitution really isn’t what we thought it was; it’s the
open-ended thing that’s up to Congress to decide what it means.’
"The top leaders from each party in the House and Senate are
expected to host an opening ceremony Tuesday morning for the new
"The center cost twice its original budget and is four years
late in opening, and as the delays and cost overruns have piled
up, so has criticism. Some lawmakers have objected to what they
say is left out of the exhibits. Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina
Republican, fought to have the Pledge of Allegiance and the
national motto, ‘In God We Trust,’ added to the displays.
"Mr. Spalding said what was put into the displays is just as
problematic as what was left out.
"He singled out the display on ‘Knowledge,’ which he said
selectively cuts the powers granted to Congress by Article I,
Section 8 of the Constitution, reducing the full explanation –
‘To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing
for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right
to their respective Writings and Discoveries’ – to an expansive
grant: ‘The Congress shall have Power To … promote … useful
"The display says that grant of powers is the basis under
which Congress founded the Library of Congress, ‘promoted public
education, supported the arts and sciences, and funded extensive
"In addition to knowledge, the other aspirations the displays
say Congress is charged with helping fulfill are unity, freedom,
defense, exploration and the general welfare.
" ‘In the seeds of how they’re dealing with the Constitution,
what they’re really telling everybody, the message they’re
really telling everybody, is Congress is unlimited, and it’s
Congress that will define our highest ideals and aspirations,’
Mr. Spalding said. ‘When you think about that, that’s a radical
message.’ …
"Donald A. Ritchie, the Senate’s associate historian, said
the script has been vetted by the leadership of both parties in
both the House and Senate and revised repeatedly. …
"Mr. Ritchie said the Library of Congress requested that a
section on knowledge be included, and he said even though the
library isn’t mentioned in the Constitution, more than 200 years
of operation have shown it is fundamental to Congress’
operation." Source: Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times,
12/2/08, B1, B4
Charles "Tremendous" Jones |
December 4, 2008 |
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In 1968, I was campaign manager for Pennsylvania Congressman
Dick Schweiker in a successful campaign to unseat Left-wing
Democrat U.S. Senator Joe Clark. Our campaign headquarters was
in Harrisburg, and, on a typical day, I would take a long
lunchtime walk down Harrisburg’s Main Street to reflect on our
strategy and its implementation.
On a particular day I stopped in front of a bookstore and
gazed at some very tempting volumes displayed in the window.
Then, a very tall man stepped outside the bookstore, and
beckoned me inside.
He said, "Young man" (I was then 27 years of age), "ten years
from now you will be the same person you are today, except for
the people you meet and the books you read. Here are some books
you ought to read." He then presented me with about twenty
books. I said, "I have a young family and can’t afford to pay
for these." He said: "They are my gift to you."
I gratefully accepted the books, and read every one of them.
They were well worth my time.
Some years later, when my youngest son, Sam, was twelve years
old, we observed that the donor of those books, Charles
"Tremendous" Jones, was the featured speaker at a meeting of the
Christian Businessmen’s Association in Washington, D.C.
Sam and I went to the meeting, expectantly, because I was
tremendously impressed with the man known as Charles
"Tremendous" Jones. At the close of the meeting, I went to the
front of the hall and introduced myself, and Mr. Jones said,
"Howard, of course I know who you are. I’ve been following your
career, and I’m grateful for all that you do. Here is my list of
the 100 most important books I’ve ever read. Please give me your
list." I subsequently provided such a list to Mr. Jones.
Recently, Charles "Tremendous" Jones went to his Heavenly
reward, following a very successful career in the life insurance
business and as president of Executive Books/Life Management
Services in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
Here is some of the advice that he gave to his grandson,
"Read, read, read, read. A proper diet is good for
your body, and the best books are good for your mind. Your
life will be determined by the people you associate with and
the books you read. You’ll come to love many people you’ll
meet in books. Read biographies, autobiographies, and
history. Books will provide many of the friends, mentors,
role models and heroes you’ll need in life. Biographies will
help you see there is nothing that can happen to you that
wasn’t experienced by many who used their failures,
disappointments, and tragedies as stepping-stones for a more
tremendous life. Many of my best friends are people I’ve
never met: Oswald Chambers, George Mueller, Charles
Spurgeon, A.W.Tozer, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee,
Francois Fenelon, Jean Guyon, and hundreds of others.
"Don’t read the Bible. Study it. Digest it. Memorize it
and realize God’s greatest gift to our time on earth is His
Word made flesh, living in our hearts through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
"Forgive. Our unwillingness to forgive when we’ve
been deeply hurt breeds self-pity and bitterness. If you
experience God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus, you
will have no problem in forgiving anyone for anything. The
hurt or injustices you experience will leave scars, but your
life will be enriched by the joy of practicing what you have
"Pray. Praying is more than talking to God. Praying
is God’s Spirit speaking to you and for you and moving you
to share your thoughts, problems, and praise with Him. Never
allow your unfaithfulness to keep you from praying. God
always hears you as you pray in Jesus’ name because He is
faithful. The "right" words never matter to God. He hears
the words of your heart that can’t be expressed in words,
and best of all, the Holy Spirit is your interpreter.
"Give. Never give to get; give because you have
received. Giving is like using a muscle. To be strong, you
must exercise "giving" to grow as a person. You can’t really
enjoy anything without sharing it, including your faith,
love, talents and money. Someday you’ll discover we never
really give; we are only returning and sharing a small
portion of what we’ve received.
"Make decisions. The more decisions you make, the
more tremendous your life will be. Don’t wait for the right
time. Do something now, today. Don’t worry about big
decisions. Make many little ones, and the big ones will seem
little. Your job is not to make a perfect decision as much
as to make a decision and invest your life in making it
"After choosing to love God, you have only two big
decisions in life: your work and your marriage. Don’t look
for what you like to do. Find something that ought to be
done while others are wasting their lives searching for
something they would like to do. Don’t waste time looking
for a better job. Do a better job and you’ll have a better
job. …
"Be thankful. Learning to be thankful covers it all:
"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18). You may not
always be sure of God’s will, you may not always be sure
that you’re doing God’s will, but you can easily always be
His will be thanking Him for all things.
"I hope you’ll give thanks for your food with your
children as we did with your dad: ‘Lord, we thank you for
our food. But if we had none, we would thank You anyway.
Because, Lord, we’re not just thankful for what you give us.
We are thankful most of all for the privilege of learning to
be thankful."
"There are hundreds of other thoughts I would love to
share with you, but I know God will be revealing them to
your heart more wonderfully than any human tongue can tell.
Learn to laugh at yourself.
Learn to help others laugh.
Learn to laugh when you are up.
Learn to laugh when you are down.
Learn to laugh."
Charles "Tremendous" Jones included in every speech the
inspiring phrase "Life is tremendous". He was a great evangelist
and a great man.
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