Dear Friend of the Constitution,
I would like to wish you my very best regards in the new year.
As I prepare TCC’s 2011 legislative strategy, I seek your help to support our
top priorities with your most generous possible financial gift.
The current Congress was dangerous to our liberties. The American people have
spoken loudly, and the message for the new Congress is to stop and reverse
President Obama’s socialist agenda and cut government spending.
You can count on TCC to fight for votes to repeal ObamaCare and to block
funding to implement it. The death tax must be killed for all time and the
temporary extension of the tax cuts must be made permanent.
There is so much which together we can do in the new year, and we can make
serious progress in 2011 with your most
generous possible financial gift.
The House now has the opportunity to pass conservative bills, although these
may be rejected by the Senate and vetoed by Mr. Obama. Thus the pressure will be
on conservatives to compromise and cave in to pass ‘compromise’ bills which
Obama will sign. This is a phony bargain and falling for this trick will
preemptively surrender the strength of the new Congress to the President.
By holding firm, even if good bills are vetoed, we are actually strengthening
our position and setting up for 2013 when we may get such bills signed. Each
veto strengthens the conservatives in Congress and forces the President to
offend the majority of Americans to appease his Leftist friends.
The most important message you must constantly reinforce with your Senators
and Representative is
"No Compromise."
We must hold firm on a full and complete repeal of
ObamaCare, not just removing a few pages from the 2,000 page socialist
bill and claiming it is fixed.
Prohibit spending money to implement ObamaCare.
Pass border security — no amnesty: build a 2,000 mile border
fence to seal the border from drugs, gangs and illegals, and protect it
with sufficient troops.
No compromise on cap-and-trade/energy/carbon taxes. Pass a
bill to block the EPA from controlling carbon as a pollutant. Americans
must not suffer massive hikes in energy prices.
Hold a Congressional investigation to determine if
impeachment is warranted.
Investigate abuses of power and potentially illegal or
unconstitutional actions by Obama officials.
Vote NO on all Constitutionally deficient judges and
justices. A vote to confirm a pro-abortion judge or justice, for
example, is a vote for abortion.
Rebuild our defenses to counter threats from Red China,
Iran, and other regimes.
Make permanent the temporary extension of the tax cuts.
Kill the death tax entirely. Don’t compromise on returning
to rates from past years.
Defeat all tax increases of any type under any name,
including a European-type VAT" tax.
Pass tax cuts to help the economy recover, not spend
billions more on stimulus spending.
Slash the budget. Eliminate entitlements.
Defeat all unconstitutional bills.
Block any bills which would lead to making Puerto Rico or
Washington, DC into states.
End the Fed! We will work with Ron and Rand Paul to audit
the Federal Reserve and restore accountability to monetary policy.
Repeal WTO and NAFTA to regain Congressional control of
trade policy.
All these issues make the work of The Conservative Caucus (TCC) even more
urgent and more important. Unless conservatives unite and lead the charge to
block and repeal Obama's agenda, the new majority in the House could be co-opted
by special interests and as with the last time the GOP ran Congress, the result
could be business-as-usual and no action to repeal Obama’s agenda.
I invite you to participate to help TCC reach Americans across the country
with legislative alerts; expansion of our nationwide weekly television program,
Conservative Roundtable; hold news conferences and public events; reach
talk shows and media outlets; build a greater army of volunteers and activists
who will flood Congress with letters and petitions; and take many other
important actions which will result in greater pressure on Congress to block and
repeal the Obama agenda.
Please join our efforts with your
maximum donation,
by signing up to receive our email alerts, by
taking action, and telling your friends.
Please let me know your thoughts as we begin the new year.
We share a great love for our beloved nation and the blessings it has provided.
Let’s resolve to restore America to greatness. Your donation will enable TCC to
fight to block Obama’s radical agenda, and to defend our Constitution. I will be
grateful for your support.
Donation link:
With personal best wishes, I am
Howard Phillips
The Conservative Caucus (TCC)
You may donate now at:
Our secure online donation page:
Print a form to mail with your check:
Call our office at 703-938-9626 with your credit
card information.
Main Site:
Repeal ObamaCare:
Save the Space program:
Stop the North American Union:
Watch our videos:
I did one hour live on December 22 with Bill Federer on his radio
program which is broadcast on several dozen stations around the country
– mostly Christian radio, and which, according to verified reports, has
an audience of more than five million people. We were able to discuss
all of the key projects of The Conservative Caucus (TCC), including the
defunding Obamacare, elimination of the Death Tax, making English the
official language, opposing amnesty in all of its forms, et cetera.
Merry Christmas |
December 21, 2010 |
Digg This |
Merry Christmas and Best
for the New Year
Howard Phillips, his family, and
the staff members and their families of
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) and
The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF) |
Bob Marshall and Christine
O'Donnell |
December 17, 2010 |
Digg This |
Del. Bob Marshall |
Christine O'Donnell |
The Virginia Tea Party event, held on December 7 at the Harvest Moon
restaurant, was attended by me, along with 250-300 other people. There
were probably 20 or 30 speeches in the course of the evening, including
an excellent presentation by Bob Marshall.
The highlight of the evening was the concluding address by Christine
O’Donnell, who impressed me with her eloquence and her knowledge of
American history.
Afghanistan Policy |
December 13, 2010 |
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I told Amanda Terkel of the Huffington Post that I personally
believe that the U.S. should immediately get out of Afghanistan, and
that the money being spent there ought instead be spent on rebuilding
our Navy and Air Force.
I said that the Constitution Party at its recent meeting in Fort
Worth passed a resolution calling for complete and immediate withdrawal
from Afghanistan, and that I did not know which of the potential 2012
Presidential candidates had taken a non-neocon stand on the issue
(except for our friend, Ron Paul).
I also told Miss Terkel that she should see The Great Game
which Sam and I saw in D.C., and which is now receiving great reviews on
Broadway. It documents the folly of British and Russian involvement in
Abolish the Death Tax |
December 9, 2010 |
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News Release from The Conservative Caucus |
For further information, contact:
Howard Phillips, 703-281-6782 |
Permanent Abolition of Death Tax Must Be Ultimate Goal
The Obama-Republican tax deal is a step in the right direction, but
now the Republicans must remain committed to total abolition of the
Death Tax, said Howard Phillips, Chairman of The Conservative Caucus (TCC).
"It is a bitter pill to see this death tax, set at zero since the
beginning of this year, continue in modified form. The Republican
leaders in both Houses of Congress should publicly commit themselves to
permanent and total repeal, just as they have committed themselves to
permanent extension of the other Bush tax cuts."
Phillips described the Death Tax, which is imposed on inheritances,
as both economically harmful and morally indefensible. "Family
businesses, including farms, must either spend money on life insurance
rather than investing it in the business, or they must risk finding
themselves forced to sell their businesses in order to pay a huge tax."
Phillips also pointed out that the Death Tax is predominantly imposed
on savings that were already taxed when earned, and on the purely
nominal increase in asset value caused by inflation. There is no
inflation adjustment for the Death Tax, as there has been for the income
The Death Tax, which was phased out by Bush tax legislation with
total repeal during 2010, would be restored by the Obama-Republican
proposal for two years, but at a lower rate and with a higher exemption.
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots action organization,
formed in 1974. It was active in defeating the SALT II Treaty, repealing
the Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton health-care
takeover, impeaching President Clinton, and preventing unconstitutional
representation for the District of Columbia in the House of
Conservative Roundtable |
December 8, 2010 |
Digg This |
Tom Deweese
Conservative Roundtable |
We taped three excellent editions of Conservative Roundtable on
November 10 featuring Dan Stein, President of the
Federation for American Immigration
Reform (FAIR), Peter Ferrara with the
Institute for Policy Innovation on a variety of economic topics, and
Tom DeWeese with American Policy
Center regarding sustainable development.
Watch Conservative
Roundtable on Youtube or on
cable TV.
Beginning when I was about 11 years old, U.S. News & World Report
was my most highly valued source of information, edited at that time by
David Lawrence. The last page of each edition contained extremely
helpful analyses of key elements of the Constitution of the United
States. Much of my love for the Constitution, and knowledge of it, is
owed to the great David Lawrence, whose funeral I was privileged to
attend many years later at the Washington Hebrew Congregation.
Unfortunately, the current edition of U.S. News & World Report
is a typical left-of-center rag which does not provide substantive
advice or information unavailable elsewhere. Today, the best alternative
to the former U.S. News & World Report is the
New American,
published weekly by the John Birch Society.
For further information: contact:
Charles Orndorff: 703-938-9626
Americans 'Send Them a Message' to
Repeal ObamaCare!
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) launched the "Pledge to
Repeal ObamaCare" campaign at
Americans are urged to visit and print the Pledge to Repeal
ObamaCare and get their Senators, Representative and
candidates for the House and Senate to sign the pledge.
Howard Phillips, TCC’s Chairman, announced the campaign
and the launch of, "This is a vital
step in repealing Obama’s Socialist medicine scheme, to help
keep the pressure on members of Congress to resist the influence
of special interests and liberals in both parties who will be
lobbying to avoid repealing ObamaCare.
Make no mistake, there are many powerful individuals and
companies who will quickly learn how to profit from health care
rationing and other elements of Socialist medicine; they will
fight efforts by Americans to repeal this dangerous scheme."
Mr. Phillips invited Americans to
pass the word to their friends; "As concerned citizens, your
action and that of your friends can make the difference, and I
invite you to visit now and send ‘them’ a
In conclusion, Mr. Phillips noted the effectiveness of
videoing pledge signing and deliveries, "Under the scrutiny of a
video camera, you may find members of Congress and candidates
more willing to be courageous and sign the pledge to repeal
ObamaCare, than in the quiet of their office with special
interests looking over their shoulder."
The Conservative Caucus (TCC) is a grass roots action
organization, formed in 1974. It was active in opposing the
ObamaCare bill, defeating the SALT II Treaty, repealing the
Catastrophic Coverage Act, blocking the Clinton health-care
takeover, and impeaching President Clinton.
Watch the video:
Here's HOW
to Stop Obamacare Socialized Medicine
-- 30 --
Recently I was asked "If you were going to homeschool your
own children today, what curriculum and method would you
I am, in fact, helping to homeschool four of my
grandchildren, and my method is very simple: a) I share life
experiences with them, b) I give them books to read which I
think are of particular value and importance, c) I ask them to
write reports on each of those books, d) I emphasize vocabulary
and grammar, et cetera. So far, each of them is doing very well
on their College Board tests and college admissions.
My youngest son, Sam, was homeschooled, even while he resided
in his mother’s womb, and he was accepted at every college to
which he applied, including Hampden-Sydney, William and Mary,
Virginia Military Institute, Christendom College, and The
Citadel. In most cases, he was offered scholarships.
We had no fixed curriculum, but we made sure he was well
versed in the Constitution, the Bible, current events, history,
et cetera.
You also ask "If you were going to invest in career education
today, where would you place a bet on demand for the future?
What skills would you develop in order to be a viable worker in
the economy of the future?".
My answer is very simple. There will always be a demand for
integrity, energy, as well as verbal and written communication
Good men are hard to find, and they usually will have no
problem whatsoever in finding suitable opportunities.
Thanks for asking.
Howard Phillips
Visit for the latest commentary, news and action items in support of
restoring our Constitutional Republic |
To support the many important projects of The Conservative Caucus with a
donation, please call 703-938-9626 or
donate online. Thank you. |