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Commentary by Howard Phillips, Chairman of The Conservative Caucus


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Home | January 2008 Archives

 My 2008 Presidential Debate Questions | January 28, 2008 | Digg This

Here are questions I submitted to be asked of the Democrat and Republican Presidential candidates at the January 30, 2008 Republican and January 31, 2008 Democrat debates sponsored by CNN,, the Reagan library and the Los Angeles Times:

  1. As President, would you withdraw the United States from the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)?
  2. As President, would you require the Department of Transportation to cease all funding of the Trans-Texas Corridor?
  3. As President, would you withdraw from consideration by the U.S. Senate the proposed U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty?
  4. As President, would you work with the Government of Panama to restore a U.S. military presence at the isthmus?
  5. As President, what cuts, if any, would you make in foreign aid, whether via the United Nations or by other means?
  6. As President, would you cut off further U.S. funding of the United Nations?
  7. As President, would you work to terminate all taxes on Social Security benefits?
  8. As President, would you work to end the Death Tax?
  9. As President, would you act to terminate all Federal funding of education?
  10. As President, would you terminate all taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations?
  11. As President, would you veto all funding for the Legal Services Corporation?
  12. As President, would you enforce the laws against homosexuals in the military?
  13. As President, would you block enforcement of the agreement made by President George W. Bush and former Mexican President Vicente Fox to provide Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who have returned to Mexico?
  14. As President, would you work to restore the strength of the U.S. Navy to a 600 ship level?
  15. As President, would you withdraw the United States from the World Trade Organization and from NAFTA?
  16. As President, would you impose higher tariffs on imports from Communist China?

View the questions and vote for your favorites at:

 Jesse Grier | January 11, 2008 | Digg This

Former TCCF Trustee Jesse Grier Dead at 85

One of the most faithful friends of the work performed by The Conservative Caucus and The Conservative Caucus Foundation of which he had served as a Trustee was Jesse Grier who died on Christmas Day at the age of 85.

Jesse attended Haverford College and played football for the college. He was a Naval officer in the Pacific theatre, a chemical engineer widely regarded as a genius, worked for Total in Calvert City, Kentucky.

Jesse was active with Take Back Kentucky, the Constitution Party, and as a supporter of Hillsdale College.

He loved the game of golf and was a member of the Calvert City Country Club. He was also a jazz aficionado.

Jesse was a dear and generous friend who will be much missed.

 Presidential Politics | January 3, 2008 | Digg This

The Internet Has Changed Presidential Politics

Congressman Ron Paul’s success in receiving some $20 million for his Presidential candidacy primarily via the internet offers future hope for candidates not favored by the mainstream media.

Of course, Ron Paul benefited greatly from his presence in Republican debates and the mean-spirited attack on him by Rudy Giuliani and his response defending his opposition to the war in Iraq.

What this means is that a candidate with strong Constitutional views, if those views are exposed on the mass media to millions of his fellow citizens, is in a position to raise enough funding to mount a serious campaign.

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